Dental Crowns & Bridges in Edmond

Dental Crowns and Bridges

Natural-Looking, Durable Crowns & Bridges

If you have one or more missing teeth, we can replace them with a single crown or a bridge, which will function like your real teeth.

A crown caps a damaged or decaying tooth, covering the entire portion of the tooth that is visible above the gumline. A crown can also be used to improve the appearance of a tooth, or it can be placed on top of an implant to replace a tooth that was lost. A bridge is a series of connected crowns that replaces one or several adjacent missing teeth.

Dr. Nguyen’s prosthodontic training and experience has made her a specialist in aesthetic and functional tooth restoration. She is extremely conscientious about making sure that every crown and bridge fits well and looks beautiful and completely natural.

Porcelain Crowns

Dr. Nguyen takes great care to ensure that your crown comes out exactly right. She uses top-quality materials to make sure your crown is strong and durable while also looking beautiful.

For the back teeth—which must be able to withstand the greatest biting forces—Dr. Nguyen will usually use zirconia, an ultra-strong and natural-looking ceramic that is one of the latest advancements in dentistry.
For the front teeth, she uses a variety of durable porcelain materials that are extremely lifelike for the best possible aesthetic result.

Porcelain Crown

What Crowns Are Used For

A crown can be used in a number of situations, including the following:

  • To repair and protect a damaged or decayed tooth
  • To serve as an artificial tooth on top of a dental implant (replacing a single, missing tooth)
  • To strengthen a tooth and protect it from fracture after root canal treatment
  • To correct the alignment of your bite
  • To improve the appearance of your smile by correcting discoloration or misshapen teeth.

Dental Bridges

A dental bridge is a series of connected crowns that replaces one or more missing teeth in a row. A bridge spans the gap left by the missing teeth, with the outer crowns supported by the natural teeth on either side of the gap. Dental bridges are an economical, relatively quick option for tooth replacement and do not require surgery.

Bridgework requires some shaving down of the natural teeth adjacent to the gap in order for them to receive the crowns that hold the bridge in place. However, Dr. Nguyen uses a conservative approach—she will only do what is absolutely necessary and will take great care to preserve as much of your own natural tooth structure as possible.

Dr. Nguyen is highly experienced in the creation and placement of bridges. She uses a top-quality lab and the best materials to ensure that your bridge is durable, aesthetic and natural-looking.

Dental Bridge

Our Crown and Bridge Procedure

First, we will take detailed, accurate impressions of your teeth and bite. After preparing your individual tooth or teeth to receive a crown or bridge, we will fit you with a natural-looking temporary crown or bridge while your final is being crafted. We will then send your impressions to our trusted lab, where experienced technicians will craft your final crown or bridge under Dr. Nguyen’s direction. When your crown or bridge comes back from the lab, it is cemented into place and Dr. Nguyen will make any final adjustments to ensure a proper alignment and comfortable bite.

Dental Crown or Bridge vs. Dental Implant

Dental implants provide another option for replacing one or more teeth. A dental implant is a titanium post that is inserted into your jawbone and topped by a porcelain crown or bridge. The biggest difference between an implant and a standard crown or bridge is that the implant replaces your tooth root as well as the visible part of your tooth.

Dental implants are considered the modern standard of care for replacing missing teeth. They don’t require the cutting down of adjacent teeth, like a bridge does, and they can last a lifetime with proper care. This makes them more economical in the long run. Implants also prevent bone loss which can otherwise occur in the area of the missing tooth roots.

Implant Supported Denture

Call 405-655-8486 or click here to schedule an appointment.